The kooks- ooh la
This video throughout is in black and white, this fits in with the style of the band as even though the video itself is so simple it makes it a bit quirky and different to average videos. I think the black and white footage throughout could also indicate how the video is past, as one lyric is ’she was such a good girl to me’ so it is like he is reflecting due to his girlfriend dying. Parts of the video are shaky and seems as though it has been filmed by them and as if it is their footage which goes with their casual effect they are trying to put across. As in most parts of the video they are just messing around doing their own thing almost like it is not staged at all. I think the most effective shots in this video are the high angle and low angle shots of the singer and of the surroundings, I think this makes the performance of a video work well as it is not just focused on the singer it changes to different images but back to the singer. Since a high angle shot is used it is like the singer is trying to address to the audience by looking directly at you at the front of the camera and I think this looks good and would think about using something like this when making my music video to make it a bit more quirky. Close ups of the band are used a lot through the video however are just quick flashes of them I think most indie bands use this to portray emotions, even though it is just a quick flick of them it is effective to knowing what they are feeling. The instrumental of this song is mainly guitars, the band is featured playing their guitars outside on different landscapes e.g. on a path, field. This again reflects their casual style and the genre characteristics that they are trying to put across, one thing I have learnt is that the indie style is not staged at all and is like they are doing what they want however this makes the video very individual. The performance and narrative is frequently blended I like the idea of this as when he is singing behind him is flashbacks of his relationship, which works well as this is what he is singing about. The song I am doing is about a relationship so I think this would be a good idea to use as the two things collide well since the singer in my song is also talking about a relationship.
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